How submit a search?
Enter your VIN in the VIN field, check off the search type that you want, and click
the 'Submit' button
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What can be searched?
You can search the VIN of motors vehicles. To perform a detailed search, or a search on a Debtor name, please call our office at 1-800-668 -265.
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Why won’t the system process my search?
There are some reasons why the system will not automatically begin processing your
search after you click the 'Submit Search' button.
- The VIN you submitted has already been searched in the last 60 days. You can view
a copy of the search by clicking the 'view previous' link. If you wish to
perform the search again, click the 'Continue' button. You will be billed again
if you click 'Continue'
- The VIN you submitted is not a standard 17 digit VIN. If the vehicle was manufactured
after 1981, either a digit is incorrect, or a digit is missing. If the vehicle is
pre 1981, or you wish to search the invalid VIN, click the 'Continue' button.
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How long does a search take to complete?
Searches are completed in real time. As soon as we receive the results, they are
presented in your browser window.
After clicking the 'Submit' button, you will see the following screens, which indicate
(1) that the search is in progress, and (2) that the search is complete, and can
be viewed and printed.
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How do I print the results?
Click on the 'Print Report' button. Your browser will open the report in a new window,
print it, and then close the window. If the browser is unable to print automatically,
it will leave the new window open. Select 'Print' from the 'File' menu, or click
the printer icon on your browser's menu bar.
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How do I look at a search that I performed previously?
1. Click the 'Previous Searches' button. This
will display a list of the last 100 searches performed.
2. You can also search for a specific VIN, or for ANY
date range
3. Click 'view' to see the report for the VIN in
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